Find out who represented the West Midlands at MIPIM 2023.
Key Stats
Understand why it’s an exciting time to invest in the heart of the UK.
At MIPIM 2023
View a roundup and video from our pavilion at MIPIM 2023
Find out who represented the West Midlands at MIPIM 2023.
Key Stats
Understand why it’s an exciting time to invest in the heart of the UK.
At MIPIM 2023
View a roundup and video from our pavilion at MIPIM 2023
West Midlands at MIPIM
Building on its presence at MIPIM, having had a regional presence for over 15 years, the West Midlands was delighted to attend MIPIM again in 2023. Along with a strong delegation of public and private sector organisations, the West Midlands truly stood out on an international stage through our pavilion and programme of informative and exciting events.
MIPIM is the leading international event in the real estate calendar. It has become a global opportunity to showcase major cities, property developments, investment opportunities and networking, influencing and accelerating the transformation of the built environment.
MIPIM gathers the most influential players from all sectors of the international property industry, with over 20,000 delegates from 80 countries coming together with 2,400 exhibitors for four days for face-to-face networking, discussions and learning through premium events, conferences and dedicated exhibition zones.
West Midlands Key Stats
Located at the heart of the United Kingdom, the West Midlands is home to a £117bn full-service economy. It has consistently ranked as one of the most attractive UK destinations for international investment. The region is a key driver in the UK’s economic prosperity and presents a compelling offer to those looking to invest.
Target for net zero carbon economy
West Midlands population
of Great Britain population within a 4-hour drive
HS2 (high-speed rail) travel time from Birmingham to London
West Midlands Delegation
A compelling and influential delegation of public and private sector organisations are representing the West Midlands at MIPIM.
Birmingham 2022 Business and Tourism Programme Sponsors and Partners
It’s everything about the West Midlands at MIPIM in one handy digital guide.
Download the interactive PDF and learn more about our region, hear from our delegation, view the event programme, and discover how we can support you with the investor opportunities available.
With £15bn worth of land and investment opportunities, there’s an opportunity to suit every investor.